Rosvold Farms


Rosewall's Bold Meadow Breeze
ASPC 161002 & PtHA 140709
Born: June 7, 2010


This lovely filly is like a deer, slender and graceful.  She is lovely to look at and very inquisitive. Here is another show quality filly!




Breezele11.JPG Breeze-Summer 2011-This filly is still graceful at an age that typically is a bit awkward for many young horses. She will mature into a lovely Shetland mare















Breezegrounddrive2013.jpg Breeze-Summer 2013, started under saddle and ground driving!Breezegrounddriving2013.jpgBreezeundersaddle2013.jpg

Breezecroppf14.jpg Breeze-Summer 2014IMG_6257.JPGBreezesaddle.jpgIMG_6259.JPG